Our Mission

The Caribbean Association for Behaviour Analysis (CABA) aims to ensure awareness, regulation, and advancement of the discipline of behaviour analysis in the Caribbean. ensuring the ethical, effective, and humane use of behaviour analysis; advocating for funding mandates and evidence-based interventions; providing opportunities for culturally relevant, evidence based continuing education; disseminating applied and basic research; and supporting the certification process for those providing behaviour analytic services.

Our Vision
We envision a Caribbean region that has high standards for the practice of behaviour analysis with a focus on providing people with access to the resources and communities of support they need whether they are recipients of services, or practitioners of the science.

Our Objectives
The objectives of the Caribbean Association for Behaviour Analysis are:

  • Advocate and disseminate behavior analysis across the region
  • Provide learning opportunities for those providing and receiving behaviour analytic services, including webinars, conferences, and other CEUs
  • Support a certification and regulation process in the Caribbean that protects those receiving services
  • Support and collaborate with caregivers who have children in need of ABA services and advocacy organisations to increase access to effective, ethical services
  • Encourage collaboration among professionals in the Caribbean region to foster both applied and basic research to inform practice
  • Provide ongoing assessment of the needs in the region in order to respond and provide solutions.

“The quality of human life, perhaps even the survival of life as we know it, depends on finding ways to make everyone’s environment more nurturing–less coercive and more caring, supportive of human development, and focused on doing what works.”

                    – Anthony Biglan (2015)